Wednesday, June 12, 2013

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Thinking the whole night, only a little way to come up with a little bit. Jeong Yeon letter, I have a suggestion. Morning, Li Zhiwei they found discipline ministers. Ministry is about how to deal with student discipline gang thing! Oh, Li Zhiwei, you put it into writing, afternoon, Cheap cfl jerseys Department will hold a meeting, but the content is how to better carry out the discipline inspection work, you make a few speeches, talk about the look okay. Well, that's it. However, the letter looked Zheng Zhiwei busy, went back to the classroom. Afternoon, the discipline inspection department meeting in the Student Union office for a small single room, Student Vice Minister Zheng contingent discipline letter stated: Although the student gang affected Authentic cfl jersey work, but Authentic cfl jersey work should have the same passion, you should not have wanted to drag retreat, that is equal to the discipline inspection department completely lost its role, I will talk about Authentic cfl jersey execution in assisting schools' students daily behavior "and that several efforts to strengthen.

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