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Welcome all kinds of big scene !ray ban, Cold Miao To prove his ideas foot force applied to the extreme floating Jin Guo facing fierce sword rushed up, Guo Meng frequently slashing sword out, and that is cold Miao jump back, the two face to face one swoop a fierce flash, Guo Meng even split nine fall under the large numbers, but the cold Miao who is also more than a few shallow wounds. Minions thought Miao cold wind rushed to greet the knife did not expect to have any skill is also a kind of pewter silver tips useless, but Guo Meng is the heart beat of several successive sudden, I do not know why the feeling somewhere Miao cold to start fighting back, they always keep Chixu abundance.

Yes this is the martial art Guo Meng borrowed knife play,ray ban sunglasses, called V Weaponry,, is the fifth-order martial art, in the many years of exploration Guo Meng has mastered its essence, V Weaponry name implies integration of weapons into the air weapons technology, and borrow from the cast, through their own air control time display of weapons, but of course the distance is very limited, but the power should not be overlooked, or cold Miao gas field will be their defense and how to cut it. Cold water element perceived by Miao know the release from this martial art is about a foot or so, although only one foot but the surprise under abnormal but insidious, is to master blows are very dangerous, a careless move it to perdition If seeing Wu Ming split air -volt weapon than their own and that a sudden increase in the force of the foot can imagine the consequences.

Martial heart and, a few moments bear picks around the whole body in cold Miao, Guo Meng chuckle loudly wits what, knife wielding shadow scattered among a few picks landing and saw the cold strokes Miao Shi Guo Meng is a wide open opportunity to shake mentioning a trick force split Huashan cut off, cold Miao Guo Mengxi to figure watching not only the eyes exposed without the slightest hint of a smile, of course panic but it is imminent Guo Meng had, and do not believe their quanliyiji ray bans able to discuss the how much good to go ! Cold Miao waved over the top of a huge water mass formation in the cold head Miao, Guo Meng virtual eyes squint eyes but did not retreat of color, because such a short period of time ray bans not believe cold Miao can instantly condense out one can match their best Chance of martial art, but did not put cold water masses Miao throw Guo Meng Meng but go boom toward the ground.


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