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Upon hearing this, the crowd suddenly. Some, calculating person, and even began to think, rather Mu already a solution may now raise this issue, we deliberately wanted to knock bamboo - after all, the strength of Ning Mu, kill God descent order plants, it is simply like a vegetable, like, how will this problem be stumped ? However, the next Ning Mu, then ghd quickly dispelled doubts. You might think I mentioned this problem is deliberately make life difficult for everyone, right ? Ning Mu looked at the crowd, lightly: Yes, I want to kill God descent order plants, is really quite simple, but ghd nz mistake my meaning.

Activation not kill the plant ? The crowd as the one, very puzzled. Let us not kill the plant activation, that is to do what ? Ning Mu looked around the crowd one, but unfortunately, I can not afford ghd nz dry. In the crowd puzzled, and still is representative of the neutral factions, stand up, weak weak to ask: do you mean, you can not beat ? Ning Mu hissing the next, not. Instead, I simply can not find ghd nz. Series of coughing sounds. That God plants descent stage, it is difficult to find it?No way, Who there, it ghd nz a man is human, what did not understand it. Previously not difficult, if you take the time, for a long time will be able to find one. ghd nz Smile to Ning Mu explains: but now can not find a ghd nz. ghd nz This is simple enough to explain, let the old man was another sleepwalk. Qing Yao finally, leaned over, gave the old man tells a bit. Indeed, as previously Ning Mu said, as long as the intention to find, really easy to find. But then, we are all in carefully avoid, after all, nothing to do, who do not want to mess with a God -order activation of plant origin.


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