Thursday, March 21, 2013

supra - Good to K training

DU Bing snappily grunted: supra vaider how do you know? Do not speak out of turn, with twat children like gossip what ah! Good to supra footwear training, or look back supra footwear and how tidy up supra footwear! Several original whispering sound all disappear, as if there had never been general, a group of players is still a serious doing preparatory activities. DU Bing Taekwondo do not know, but my mind was wondering, this will not transfer period, and that 80% of two kid should youth team temporary hosts have day say Wan taught to the first team rare until today, he began his own army to bring this Black Dragon Jianye days later, I'm afraid we must some changes. Early as in million Guoqiang has just become the Black Dragon Jianye first-line coach when he and the team's captain DU Bing had had a long talk, not only to their own team's tactics envisioned told Dubing more requirements Dubing also encourage Du Bingjian held down for next year in one fell swoop Chongchao success of the team to take on more responsibility.

Million Guoqiang supra tk society is to know, head coach of the first team scores bad leaving youth team coach replacement up such a thing can be considered common in football, DU Bing Wan Guoqiang little resentment. To mention a few months down the climbing team's performance, this year turned out to see the hope of Chongchao million Guoqiang, by virtue of their ability to work and the level of coaching to win the respect of all of the Black Dragon Jianye now Chongchao Road went to the most critical moment, the whole team is the unity of purpose want Chongchao. Now the team's difficulties, everyone is aware of, a lot of people privately veiled criticism of Su Weidong and inputs on the front line forces are too weak if not supra footwear, now the Black Dragon Jianye maybe row to in front of the Shanghai East Asia! The Black Dragon Jianye striker Today, only a Gomez, do the authors of these two little guys to firefighters?

Test to two kid! Training the sidelines of a few coaches, body fat Xiaohe go out, it is that Black Dragon APB fitness coach Ma Jin W, 53, of this year supra footwear plump of his face all day look like a Xiaohe, anyone who really thought supra footwear is a Maitreya, may be wrong. The physical training of the horse into the wide, brought the Black Dragon APB players will give people chills this fat else not really weaker and less toxic to tidy up liberal, each without ever taking so tired, just close everyone's limit, the players naturally get a lot of benefits, the heart of this fat is Scared. Said up in the A league hit now, Black Dragon Jianye right now in addition to the wounded outside all still physical abundant, the most deserving person on a horse into the wide.

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